Last updated: 2023-09-26
Colmec brand elements and guidelines
The following sections will introduce the building block of the Colmec brand, as well as provide information and guidelines for use. The goal is to maintain a throughline in all Colmec related marketing and communication, both in digital and print media, which in turn creates a more recognizable Colmec brand across multiple channels and countries.
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The Colmec logo is available and should primarily be used in blue and white, depending on the background.
Aim to use these primary versions even on non-brand colors whenever possible, otherwise default to black and white. Keep in mind that the contrast ratio between logotype and background should be high for it to stand out and be legible.
The main logotype can be used independently or with additional text, for instance to differentiate between the Colmec Group member countries, or between certain specialized services.
The sub-mark or icon logo is a stripped down graphic stemming from the main logo. This can be used in the following cases:
- when the main logo has already been used within the same material but another section might also need to establish Colmec as the main subject or sender
- when the context already introduces Colmec as the sender, but you might still want a quick identifier, for instance in a social media post
- in small ”spaces” and formats
- as a symbol on branded merchandise or promotional items
Please avoid distorting the logo!
Keep in mind that consistent use according to the guidelines makes the logo and with it the Colmec brand more recognizable.
Do not stretch or crop the logo — if there’s a need for it to fit a smaller area, adjust the size proportionally. Keep the color use consistent as well — do not apply new colors to the logo unless agreed upon with the Colmec design team.

In order for the logo to still be clear in marketing materials and communications, there is a minimum permitted size. This minimum size is set to 30 mm wide in print media and 70 px wide in digital media.
Free zone
A logo’s free zone is important to respect in order not to infringe on its communicative value. A free zone means that there must be no disturbing elements within a set area around the logo. Colmec’s free zone is based on the height of the logo. That distance must be free around the entire logo.

The typeface used by Colmec is called Titillium and is a typeface that is efficient, technical and friendly. There are no frills about Titillium, but it stands for where it is. For these reasons, it suits Colmec very well. There are six varieties of Titillium where it is the thickness that varies between them. It is used both for headings and body text. Used both in print and on the web.
Typeface: Titillium
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Type scale
The type should have a clear contrast between headings, subheadings and body text. The width of the paragraph should be maximum xxx character per row.
Font size / Linespacing – Classification
56/62 px – Heading one
Selvage bespoke seitan next level
56/62 px – Heading two
Selvage bespoke seitan next level
56/62 px – Heading three
Selvage bespoke seitan next level
56/62 px – Heading four
Selvage bespoke seitan next level
56/62 px – Paragraph
Selvage bespoke seitan next level
56/62 px – List
- Selvage bespoke seitan next level
- Selvage bespoke seitan next level
- Selvage bespoke seitan next level
- Selvage bespoke seitan next level
- Selvage bespoke seitan next level
- Selvage bespoke seitan next level
Type color
The contrast between text color and background needs to…
Light blue background
Dark blue text on light background with strong green contrast in headings
Light green background
Dark blue text on light background with strong green contrast in headings
Darkest blue background
White text on dark background
Dark blue background
White text on dark background
Strong blue background
Dark text on strong blue background. Only use this one in special cases.
Strong green background
Dark text on strong green background. Only use this one in special cases.
Brooklyn mukbang same snackwave wolf. Migas helvetica man bun selvage iPhone fixie hexagon 3 wolf moon. Adaptogen freegan leggings tonx echo park. Banh mi whatever palo Santo taxidermy butcher. Raclette microdosing vaporware distillery blog glossier kogi coloring book etsy master cleanse.
Brooklyn mukbang same snackwave wolf. Migas helvetica man bun selvage iPhone fixie hexagon 3 wolf moon. Adaptogen freegan leggings tonx echo park. Banh mi whatever palo Santo taxidermy butcher. Raclette microdosing vaporware distillery blog glossier kogi coloring book etsy master cleanse.
Colmec’s profile is based on three dark shades of blue, three lighter shades of blue and three shades of green. These colors give a serious impression that gives a sense of stability and dynamism in the contrasts that exist between them. They can be used together or separately. Primarily the blue colors with green details are used. But in contexts when we want to put a little extra emphasis on our environmental work, the green shades are used to a greater extent. The strong green and blue are only used on details while the lighter ones are used on backgrounds.
Primary colors
Dark blue
HEX: #2e3778
CMYK: 97, 92, 22, 9
RGB: 46, 56, 120
Darker blue
HEX: #23305f
CMYK: 98, 90, 34, 25
RGB: 35, 48, 95
Darkest blue
HEX: 182946
CMYK: 95, 83, 44, 45
RGB: 25, 41, 71
Secondary colors
Strong blue
HEX: #47bfee
CMYK: 61, 4, 0, 0
RGB: 71, 191, 239
Light blue
HEX: #e1f3fd
CMYK: 10, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 225, 244, 253
Lighter blue
HEX: #f1f9fe
CMYK: 4, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 241, 250, 254
Strong green
HEX: #05a94b
CMYK: 82, 4, 100, 0
RGB: 5, 170, 75
Light green
HEX: #e3f1e3
CMYK: 10, 0, 12, 0
RGB: 228, 242, 227
Lighter green
HEX: #f2f8f1
CMYK: 4, 0, 5, 0
RGB: 242, 249, 242
Don’t forget white. It is used both on text on dark backgrounds and as a main background color, like here.
HEX: #fffff
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 255, 255, 255
Colmec’s graphic profile includes a number of different form elements that work together or separately. The purpose of these is that they should strengthen Colmec’s brand, clarify what Colmec works with and convey our core values.
The hexagon
The hexagon is prominent in several different ways. It is used both together with an image as in the example here, but also as a background pattern on sections that need to become more alive. In addition, the slanted shape (the cut off corner) is used on boxes and pictures. See examples of application below.

We use icons to clarify our services and explain our products.
The images must convey movement, activity and professionalism. They must capture the moment. It can be a driving vehicle or a person talking on the phone or capturing a moment in the production. In order for it to be a living visual language, we do not want to lock Colmec into having, for example, a certain shade on the images. Depending on what the image is to convey, the image that best communicates Colmec’s core values is used.

Here are a few examples of how the Colmec brand is being applied in different digital and print materials.